
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Global Bubble Downfall and Goldman Sachs

The Global Bubble Downfall and Goldman Sachs Free Online Research Papers Matt Taibbi’s article â€Å"The Great American Bubble Machine† begins with his introduction claiming that Goldman Sachs is everywhere. The article begins with the approach and scare as the investment firm, Goldman Sachs, was one of the recipients of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan of 2009. It caught my attention in the first paragraph. Taibbi’s article begins with lots so pure speculations stating that the head of NYSE, former secretaries of state, one CEO from Merrill Lynch, the head of the Wachovia Bank, a couple of state officials appointed by â€Å"Dubya† (George W. Bush) during his presidency, and the heads of the Canadian and Italian banks, and the last two heads of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It is quite an impressive resume for any individual wanting to catapult to the top. Goldman Sachs lifespan is broken up into what the author refers to as bubbles, of time frames. The first bubble is the Great Depression, followed by Tech Stocks, the housing craze, the oil bubble, rigging of the US bailout, and coming soon to a bank near you, the global warming bubble. The bank was founded in 1869 by a German immigrant’s Marcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs. They made a substantial profit by â€Å"lending out short-term IOUs to smalltime vendors in downtown Manhattan† (Taibbi). During the time frame of the 1920’s, it got into investments trusts. In modern times, this would be called mutual funds. According to Taibbi’s article, Goldman Sachs exercised its information power because securities purchased and amounts were not released to the public. The company’s first effort would issue a million shares at $ 100 dollars a share. They bought the shares back with their own money, and then proceeded to sell them to the public at $ 104. 900,000 shares immediately became 3.6 million dollars. Then they did it again, but this time they were bidding the price up continuously. The company would spurn two other investment firms. Each of the two newer investment firms would be a front of the previous as roughly 90% of the shares were owned by its predecessor. This action reflects the Pyramid Shaped Structure of an organization. In this case, Goldman Sachs sits at the top owning Shenandoah Corporation, which owned Blue Ridge. It is likely that in this fashion, because there was no way to have an objective and fair way of judging any performance. Goldman Sachs controlled the information power. Ultimately through this structure, Goldman Sachs was able to borrow money, with borrowed money, and borrowed money. It appears that if anyone had told Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling about this story, George Walker Bush wouldn’t have put his support behind Enron in its hay-day. The Tech Stock Bubble 2 occurred during the 1970’s-1980. Surprisingly enough, Goldman Sachs had rebranded itself through time as an honest and trustworthy corporation who paid attention to all its stakeholders. The integrity of the company ran as far as them giving money to grownup corporate clients who had made bad deals with us† (Taibbi). Through these actions, Goldman Sachs was able to build a community with silent victories, and respecting their â€Å"grownup† clients. Their actions gave the company reputable corporate social responsibility. Per Taibbi, there was no specific time when this culture began to delude into what was about to transpire. It was right round the time a Goldman Sachs co-chair, Robert Rubin, followed Bill Clinton into the White House. That would sound like a conflict of interest. This is almost as bad as former VP Dick Cheney, being the CEO of Halliburton and that situation. In this bubble, the banks fluffed the idea of IPOS. The banks made IPOS seem better than what they ever possible could be. Goldman abandoned its own standards of quality control. This allowed them capitalize on charges in the regulatory environment, while investors like â€Å"Joe the Investor† went chasing the dream of becoming rich. Wall Street had strict underwriting guidelines for trade. It had to be in business for a minimum of five years, and had to show profitability for three consecutive years. Goldman then had their analysts out there telling investor’s that IPO’s were worth $ 100, when they the author alleges they knew the stock was not worth much at all. Everyone knew rules had changed, but everyone on the inside failed to inform the investors who lost millions. Goldman Sachs used what was called â€Å"laddering†. They would sell price cheap to investors with a promise of buying more when they actually went public. That is a guarantee that stock would be bought @ X dollars. That would ensure profit down the road. They also used spinning, which in layman’s terms amounts bribery. The company would offer extra low prices on share, for a promise of future underwriting business. 5 trillions dollars worth of wealth were lost in this fashion. What Goldman learned in this phase was that bubbles are easy to inflate, and don’t deflate as easy, or quick enough to not make a profit. The housing craze is the 3rd bubble. Goldman sold house to anyone who had a first and last name. They lowered their standards of credit, verifiable income, and possess 10% down payment for the house. Since they were able to sell notes to everyone who wanted one, they packaged these mortgages into what became Collateralized Debt Obligations. They packaged good and bad deals into them. They used methods to hide what they were selling. Since many of the mortgages would turn out ok, the bad ones attached wouldn’t affect these â€Å"obligations†. Then they secured themselves by getting insurance, in the event these failed. So they stole money to begin with, and when they were done they took our money too. If I wasn’t an upset taxpayer, I’d think it was a stroke of brilliance. The 4th bubble is one not many people know Goldman Sachs had anything to do with, oil. Once again, in true Goldman Sachs fashion, it went after this commodity by having investors agree to purchase oil at a certain price on a fixed date. It was argued that the four dollars a gallon had to do with demand, but demand had actually decreased during this time frame. In 2008, an average barrel of oil was traded 27 times before it was actually delivered and consumed. Congress realized in 1936 that more speculators in the market would affect prices artificially. This is called the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. It worked for more than 50 years. This was designed to protect people who were actually buy and selling commodities, not paper trails. Somehow, Goldman got a free pass and was given a Bona Fide Hedging exemption which allowed them to bypass all these regulations. 21 other exemptions like this were passed in the months that followed. Even at the end, when demand was low, the price of oil has doubled this year, and is looking to climb more. During those times, when I had to go into my overdraft to fill up, I realize now that it wasn’t a third world country that made me pay more, but our own people who can’t see further than the dollar. The fifth bubble is the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The first significant thing that happened was that then-secretary Paulson let Lehman Brothers fall. The last competitor Goldman faced. The next day, Paulson gave AIG a bailout of 85 million dollars. It repaid Goldman 13 million dollars. Goldman made money selling bad commodities and bad mortgages, and then takes our money to fatten their pockets. It is truly enlightening, how unorganized we are. How does Goldman pay back this bailout? Well, it paid back 10 million in taxes, because essentially it off-shores certain thing. To show the power of Goldman, before the stress tests were released, Goldman did what it had to do to not be affected by the results. The new bubble for this day and age will be carbon credits. It is called cap and trade, disguised as an environmental plan, and is non-existent. It’s a repeat of the commodities market. If and when it gets approved, Goldman won’t have to do much, because the rise in price will be government mandated. The projected volume will be 3 trillion dollars. This allows Goldman to collect taxpayer money before I ask for an extension to pay my taxes. Goldman Sachs has orchestrated every catastrophe in this country because of short term greed. Whether by deliberate design or not, Goldman Sachs has positioned themselves in high Government places. Everything they have done is either illegal or ethically immoral. What does Goldman Sachs do if the there is conflict of interest; its representative gets a waiver or a pass to do whatever they want. Why doesn’t anyone do anything? They are basically stealing people’s lives away, with their accounting tactics. I never understand why regulating and deregulating was so important. I do now, and I believe the government must do more to regulate, oh wait a second, Goldman Sachs will merely come up with amendments that are higher than the constitution. Will anyone ever have the political courage to stop these thieves? I think not; however, I will invest in cap and trade of carbon credits and sell quickly. I might get lucky. Research Papers on The Global Bubble Downfall and Goldman SachsThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationTwilight of the UAWEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Quebec and CanadaThe Project Managment Office SystemWhere Wild and West Meet

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Domestication History of Rye

Domestication History of Rye Rye (Secale cereale subspecies cereale) was likely fully domesticated from its weedy relative (S. cereale ssp segetale) or perhaps S. vavilovii, in Anatolia or the Euphrates River valley of what is today Syria, at least as early as 6600 BC, and perhaps as early as 10,000 years ago. Evidence for domestication is at Natufian sites such as Can Hasan III in Turkey at 6600 cal BC (calendar years BC); domesticated rye reached central Europe (Poland and Romania) about 4,500 cal BC. Today rye is grown on about 6 million hectares in Europe where it is mostly used for making bread, as animal feed and forage, and in the production of rye and vodka. Prehistorically rye was used for food in a variety of ways, as animal fodder and for straw for the thatched rooves. Characteristics Rye is a member of the Triticeae tribe of Pooideae subfamily of the Poaceae grasses, meaning it is closely related to wheat and barley. There are around 14 different species of the Secale genus, but only S. cereale is domesticated. Rye is allogamous: its reproductive strategies promote outcrossing. Compared to wheat and barley, rye is relatively tolerant to frost, drought, and marginal soil fertility. It has an enormous genome size (~8,100 Mb), and its resistance to frost stress appears to be a result of the high genetic diversity among and within rye populations. The domestic forms of rye have larger seeds than wild forms as well as a non-shattering rachis (the part of the stem that holds the seeds onto the plant). Wild rye is free-threshing, with a tough rachis and loose chaff: a farmer can free the grains by a single threshing since straw and chaff are eliminated by a single round of winnowing. Domestic rye maintained the free-threshing characteristic and both forms of rye are vulnerable to ergot and to munching by pesky rodents while still ripening. Experimenting with Rye Cultivation There is some evidence that Pre-Pottery Neolithic (or Epi-Paleolithic) hunters and gatherers living in the Euphrates valley of northern Syria cultivated wild rye during the cool, arid centuries of the Younger Dryas, some 11,000-12,000 years ago. Several sites in northern Syria show that increased levels of rye were present during the Younger Dryas, implying that the plant must have been specifically cultivated to survive. Evidence discovered at Abu Hureyra (~10,000 cal BC), TellAbr (9500-9200 cal BC), Mureybet 3 (also spelled Murehibit, 9500-9200 cal BC), Jerf el Ahmar (9500-9000 cal BC), and Djade (9000-8300 cal BC) includes the presence of multiple querns (grain mortars) placed in food processing stations and charred wild rye, barley, and einkorn wheat grains. In several of these sites, rye was the dominant grain. Ryes advantages over wheat and barley are its ease of threshing in the wild stage; it is less glassy than wheat and can be more easily prepared as food (roasting, grinding, boiling and mashing). Rye starch is hydrolyzed to sugars more slowly and it produces a lower insulin response than wheat, and is, therefore, more sustaining than wheat. Weediness Recently, scholars have discovered that rye, more than other domesticated crops has followed a weedy species type of domestication processfrom wild to weed to crop and then back to weed again. Weedy rye (S. cereale ssp segetale) is distinctive from the crop form in that it includes stem shattering, smaller seeds and a delay in flowering time. It has been found to have spontaneously redeveloped itself out of the domesticated version in California, in as few as 60 generations. Sources This article is part of the About.com guide to Plant Domestication, and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology Hillman G, Hedges R, Moore A, Colledge S, and Pettitt P. 2001. New evidence of Late Glacial cereal cultivation at Abu Hureyra on the Euphrates. The Holocene 11(4):383-393. Li Y, Haseneyer G, Schà ¶n C-C, Ankerst D, Korzun V, Wilde P, and Bauer E. 2011. High levels of nucleotide diversity and fast decline of linkage disequilibrium in rye (Secale cerealeL.) genes involved in frost response. BMC Plant Biology 11(1):1-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2229-11-6 (Springer link is currently not working) Marques A, Banaei-Moghaddam AM, Klemme S, Blattner FR, Niwa K, Guerra M, and Houben A. 2013. B chromosomes of rye are highly conserved and accompanied the development of early agriculture. Annals of Botany 112(3):527-534. Martis MM, Zhou R, Haseneyer G, Schmutzer T, Vrna J, Kubalkov M, Kà ¶nig S, Kugler KG, Scholz U, Hackauf B et al. 2013. Reticulate Evolution of the Rye Genome. The Plant Cell 25:3685-3698. Salamini F, Ozkan H, Brandolini A, Schafer-Pregl R, and Martin W. 2002. Genetics and geography of wild cereal domestication in the near east. Nature Reviews Genetics 3(6):429-441.   Shang H-Y, Wei Y-M, Wang X-R, and Zheng Y-L. 2006. Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in the rye genus Secale L. (rye) based on Secale cereale microsatellite markers. Genetics and Molecular Biology 29:685-691. Tsartsidou G, Lev-Yadun S, Efstratiou N, and Weiner S. 2008. Ethnoarchaeological study of phytolith assemblages from an agro-pastoral village in Northern Greece (Sarakini): development and application of a Phytolith Difference Index. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(3):600-613. Vigueira CC, Olsen KM, and Caicedo AL. 2013. The red queen in the corn: agricultural weeds as models of rapid adaptive evolution. Heredity 110(4):303-311.   Willcox G. 2005. The distribution, natural habitats, and availability of wild cereals in relation to their domestication in the Near East: multiple events, multiple centres. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14(4):534-541. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00334-005-0075-x (Springer link not working) Willcox G, and Stordeur D. 2012. Large-scale cereal processing before domestication during the 10th millennium Cal BC in northern Syria. Antiquity 86(331):99-114.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Christopher Columbus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Christopher Columbus - Essay Example Some people held the proposition that Norse actually explored the northeastern North America and may be beyond that. Various documents from the Norroena collection support the view that the Norse reached the Georgia or South Carolina, though these views have often faced wide controversies all over. Recent beliefs and studies suggest that the first European to reach America was Leifur Eriksson who reached America as early as in the 11th Century. In spite of all this beliefs it is still widely believed that it was Christopher Columbus who discovered America in the year 1492 in his first voyage. Section B. 4. Puritans were a group of people who lived in the Churches of England and devoted their life’s towards religious, morals and the social views. They entered in America in order to escape the persecution from the leadership of the church. In the new world the puritans faced a wide range of problems. The biggest problem faced by them was that they faced persecution. Apart from t he persecution they faced shortage of food, hard living conditions. The puritans faced repeated life threats from the group of Indians and they were isolated, They did not received any sort of help from the civil society and lived their days in fear. They had to struggle with the nature also as they had to face harsh winters. Puritans wanted to maintain spirituality in every thing they do which was very difficult for the modern worked to accept. In an open environment, maintenance of such rituals was not possible and it was the problem they faced in America. Colonials view was abandoned in England and the idea was desolated because of the strictness and the rigidness mentioned. Section D The new American government faced an economic problem. The Federal Government faced a huge debt of $54 million. Foreign credit was unavailable and paper currency became useless. Alexander Hamilton was asked to look into this problem. The problem that Hamilton faced was a huge national debt. He asked the government to assume the entire debt of the federal government and the states. Certain states like Maryland, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Virginia, saw no logic as to why they should be taxed by the federal government to pay off the debts of other states like Massachusetts and South Carolina, especially when they had already paid off their own debts. Even then, Hamilton’s debt program was implemented, and it was a success. (Clark 2011, pp 233) Later, a political division started to take shape in the form of a conflict between Jefferson, Madison and Hamilton. Hamilton used the Bank of England as a role model for the Bank of United States. He favored a government by the rich, who would support the government and laid emphasis on commerce and industry. Jefferson on the other hand was a classical liberal. He believed in broad diffusion of wealth while Hamilton’s ideas concentrated wealth in the hands of few. Jefferson favored limited participation in the economy while Hamilton tried to put on heavy tariffs so that Americans could compete in the world market (Katz & Vencill; Hamiltons Fiscal Program). Hamilton’s idea of industrialization was opposed because it segregated from Jefferson’s conception of U.S. Jefferson saw it as a Utopian Agrarian society which would be ruined by industrialization. Hamilton

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mentoring, Americans with Disabilities Act, Flex-time, Workplace Assignment

Mentoring, Americans with Disabilities Act, Flex-time, Workplace Security, and Performance appraisal - Assignment Example The four phases are (Boreen et.al, 2000): A mentoring relationship is based on numerous factors that relate to the success of the process as preferred by both the mentor and mentee. The basic relationship requirements include (Boreen et.al, 2000): The process of mentoring provides significant influence in career development. In women and minority groups mentoring is regarded as a mandatory requirement. Women and minority are viewed as a weaker part of the human race. For this reason, they are exposed to limited career opportunities and resources. Through mentoring this gap is lessened as they are provided an opportunity to learn basic career requirements from experts. This also improves their succeeding probability. The ADA was created to respond to the plight of the disabled or otherwise challenged persons. The Act was signed in 2009 by President Bush. Main components in the Act focused on making work places comfortable for the disabled or other wise challenged persons. Additionally, public places and entities were also required to be observant of the Act (Schall, 1998). In the act the beneficiaries are described as people with physical disabilities. The act excluded the inclusion of people affected by drug or substance abuse and visually impaired people whose sight can be corrected by the use of an optical lens. The ADA has positively impacted the working environment as companies have become more sensitive in making working places comfortable to the disabled persons. To ensure compliance of the ADA, an employer should put in place systems and mechanisms that address the issues raised by the ADA. For instance, an organization should advice other employees against discriminating against disabled persons (Schall, 1998). Traditional work schedules were heavily demanding on employees as they had to work during many hours and the output displayed could not match the time taken to complete tasks. Working on full time or eight hour day daily on the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Taking Things for Granted Essay Example for Free

Taking Things for Granted Essay I remember that day as if it was yesterday. It started like any other day; I got up quickly grabbed a Twix ice cream bar for breakfast and went to the bus stop. Although Thanksgiving was a few days away, the air was still warm but crisp and I could not wait to get on the bus and talk with my friends about my plans for my birthday party. We arrived at school and I sat in my first period class environmental science. Everything seemed to be going just as it should. While doing my morning work suddenly my stomach sank and I knew something was not right. I arrived home from school later than normal, but my mom still had not arrived. I picked up the phone to call her, when she answered the phone she did not sound like herself. She had been crying and I knew something was wrong. What could it be? I asked if she was ok, she said she would be home later and the phone hung up. Later that day I would learn never to take your loved ones for granted. The doorbell ranged, my first thought was why my mom did not just walk in after all she had a key. I opened the door and was surprised to see my grandmother and my aunt. I wonder where my mother was. I was overjoyed to see my grandmother and aunt because they lived out of town. As soon as they arrived, we went to the grocery store so grandma could make her homemade biscuits and her marshmallow hot chocolate. While my grandmother was making her homemade biscuits, I got a phone call from a friend he told me that he was sorry for what happened to my dad. I laughed and replied nothing happened to my dad and that he had the wrong person. He told me my dad’s head was decapitated at work. I immediately hung up the phone and ran downstairs. I completely forgot about where my mom and dad were. It all made sense. That is why my grandma and aunt were here. I ran downstairs; I wanted to know why no one told me that my dad was dead. The color drained from my aunt and grandmothers face. They were speechless. The first question they asked was who told you that. They explained that it was not my dad’s head but his hand. They told me that he was in the hospital and was going to be in surgery for twenty hours. They did not know whether he would live or not. I cried. I never got the chance to say goodbye. Several days had passed and I finally got the opportunity to see my dad. As I walked down the hallway, my heart began to beat faster and faster. I did not know what I was going to see or how to react. I opened the door and there was my dad lying in the hospital bed. I had a flashback of every good time we ever had. I walked closer to the bed and called my dad’s name. He weakly replied that he loved me. I smiled as tears rolled down my face. My dad was still alive. The next few months were the toughest. I never imagined my dad trying to commit suicide, being depressed, or crying at night. When I thought of my dad, I thought tough and strong but I realized that anything could happen, even to the strongest of us. I almost lost my dad once and if it ever came to the point of me losing him for good, I would want to know that I never took for granted that I had a father who cared and would do anything for me. Today my dad is perfectly healthy. As a family, we have learned to adapt to his physical changes of not having a hand. This experience has had its difficulties but at the end of the day, we are still a family that supports one another. We have learned to take a day at a time.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

In conclusion Philip Dean’s produced theater performance “ZigZag Street” :: Drama

In conclusion Philip Dean’s produced theater performance â€Å"ZigZag Street† provided the main theme well through out the whole performance. The acting was wonderful and the uses of techniques were used great. The only downside to this play was the script. Analytical Essay: In Philip Dean’s produced theater performance â€Å"ZigZag Street† the main theme, which is displayed through out the performance is the universal needs of all human beginnings: need for friendship, companionship and the needs for plans, hopes and dreams. This is shattered when the main character Richard (Mark Conaghan) is dumped buy his long-term girl friend after 4 years. After this painfully brake up he is given his grandparents house on ZigZag Street under one condition, he renovate the house while he lives in it. While he is in this house he try’s to get his life back on track but despite concerted efforts chaos reigns supreme. First Key Moment: 1. Richard: arrives at a cafà ©. He takes out a book and reads. After a moment a girl enters, looks around and then approaches. Girl: Im sorry. You were reading Richard puts the book down Richard: No it’s fine. Girl: so what do you do? Richard: Im s lawyer. I work for a financial institution, what about you? Girl: im a student. Richard: what are you studying? Girl: Do you like movies? Richard: Sure. She has the Pulp Fiction postcard. Girl: would u like see Pulp Fiction with me sometime? Richard: With you? Girl: Yeah. You haven’t seen it? Richard: No, I haven’t. One might this week? Or the weekend. Girl: The weekend might be better. Im not allowed out on weeknights during school. Pause. Richard: During school. Girl: Its okay. Im nearly seventeen This scene illustrates the main theme very well; it shows the audience that Richard is looking for friendship or companionship within this girl. The technique of tension was used well within this scene, it started off to look like that Richard’s luck has finally changed after his brake up with his girl friend but all is not what it seems. Richard and this girl talk for a moment and the conversation leads to Richard asking if the young girl would like to go to the movies with him during the week or weekend. This is where the tension starts to heighten between Richard and this young girl, this is due to the Richard finding out that the girl is only seventeen. This was great use of tension because it showed that Richard is still looking for a companion but he has matured after his brake up and thinks things through a lot more then he has done before. Within this scene the technique focus was used well because the only

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Islamic Art and Architecture; Influence and Effects Essay

Introduction During the reign of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughal rulers, architecture and art took on more meaning than it had in the past. The types of architecture and manuscript writing have had both symbolic significance and influence on the people of these empires. The architecture can be said to have had the greatest impact on the presence of power and devotion to Islamic arts of all of the empires, while manuscripts were held privately until trends influenced their spread over greater distances and people. The Ottomans, in their quest to expand their lands and influence, conquered Constantinople in 1453, which sparked a major period of construction in the new capital of the Ottoman Empire. This large building initiative took place in order to encourage a repopulating of Istanbul, as well as the revitalization of the economy in this declining city. The buildings and complexes the Ottomans built shed an interesting light on their concerns and ideals. For example, while the complexes were mainly built as places of worship, they took on other roles, such as, centers for education, commerce, and hospital care. One complex is clear in its intentions to the public, as can be seen by the endowment deed, which read â€Å" to elevate matters of religion and religious sciences in order to strengthen the mechanisms of worldly sovereignty and to reach happiness in the afterworld†, (Bloom & Blair, 298). This combination of buildings in a complex format drew people from the old capital and cities of the empire, and generated revenue that amassed into fortunes for the rulers of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans, however, were not the only empire to enjoy great wealth and displays of that wealth. The Mughals, who descended from the same Turkish conquerors as the Ottomans, also enjoyed prosperity from great building projects. The architecture of the Mughals was able to change with great regularity during its time, due to the constant movement of the central government. The Mughals also benefited from a blend of styles and influences to create their palaces. The most famous example of Mughal architecture was the Taj Mahal, which was built in the memory of a deceased favorite wife. In the building of temples and tombs in Mughal history, it is quite common to find them built as reminders to the community of saints, heroes, or loved ones. It was  also common to find that they lacked as muc h fine detail as their neighbors to the west, but brought new styles to the architecture derived from the rich traditions of the people of India. Unlike the Ottomans and The Mughal, the Safavids were derived from the family lineage of Mohammed the prophet. Despite this difference, the Safavids built great temples and complexes for similar reasons. The Safavids built great complexes, and like the Ottomans, they moved their capital to a centralized location in order to centralize power, and increase commerce. The Safavids also shared another trait in building with the Ottomans. They both had a strong emphasis on education, and liked to keep a watchful eye over it. For this reason, religious complexes often included the highest forms of education for both the government and the religion of Islam. Though in competition for much of their histories, the Ottomans and Safavids adhered to many of the same architectural styles, with one major difference. Due to their difference in branches of Islam, the Safavids, unlike their Sunni neighbors the Ottomans, had little problem with diverging from traditional customs of avoiding the use of depictions of animals and people in their design. This proved to enhance the appearance of the buildings, but also give them a unique place in the history of Islamic buildings. Manuscripts, on the other hand, have a very different history than do the magnificent buildings of the Islamic world. In the Ottoman Empire, as was true of most of the Muslim world, the Koran was the most copied manuscript. Copies of the Koran were reproduced with astonishing art, but were usually given as gifts to other rulers. In this system, the common person was excluded from viewing the finest manuscripts. Common manuscripts were produced by artisans, but lacked the high quality of that of the royal courts. The Ottomans also used their talents to reproduce manuscripts that depicted great rulers and events in history, as well as topography paintings that displayed the prominence of conquest in the Ottomans daily life. Ottoman manuscripts were not as popular or unique as the ones created by the Safavids or Mughals, but they did posses superiority in the ar t of calligraphy. Manuscripts from the Safavid and Mughal empires possessed greater detail in art, but most of the calligraphers were not as skilled as those of the Ottoman Empire. Despite this lack of good calligraphy, the Safavids and Mughals were more skilled in art and design. Like the Ottomans, the Mughals and Safavid empires copied  the Koran at a high rate, but only the best works of art were given away as gifts. This lack of quality reproductions, which included not only writing, but also painting, led to the decline of the bound book. This decline led to the development of an industry of artisans creating single manuscripts. These manuscripts allowed for both artistic differences that were hard to avoid in large manuscripts, and it allowed more people to posses art. They were collected into books, but they had a greater impact on both the people of the Muslim world and the Europeans, who were exploring the area heavily in search of people to colonize. The arrival of the Europeans also led to a decline in the production of small manuscripts, due to the fact that the printing press and mass production of books were arriving in Europe. Conclusion Islamic art and architecture both had more than one use in Islamic life. The architecture reminded the people of saints, great rulers, martyrs, or beloved figures, as well as serving as a center for religion, education, commerce, and medicine. The art of the Islamic world was originally used to tell of battles, heroes, and most popularly recreate the Koran. Art also allowed for the growth of writing, painting, and the distribution of ideas over greater distances than the spoken word. Both Islamic art and architecture still hold as reminders to Muslims and the world that great rulers, conquerors, and artists have made a lasting impact on the region and its culture.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Competitors Essay

Introduction Section 1: Tesco core competencies come from its strong customer focused strategy which is made very clear on their website home page were it states, â€Å"We are a team of over 530,000 people in 12 markets dedicated to bringing the best value, choice and service to our millions of customers each week†.Hamel and Prahalad (1990) suggested that a core competency must meet the following criteria: †¢Customers should benefit †¢Competitors should find it difficult to imitate †¢Core competence can be transferred to many products and markets. In more recent years we have been able to utilize the use of the Tesco club card to reward the customer but most importantly at the same time we have been able to collect vital information which has enabled us to analyze and understand the customer so much better. A USP which Tesco have been able to gain from the use of the Club card is their ability to almost predict what each individual is going to put into their baskets and this subsequently allows them to adapt each of their from their services to their stock. This all contributes to Tesco adding value to the overall customer experience. In a large complex company like Tesco it can become important for the organization to define the company as a set of strategic business units (SBUs). The reason behind this is mainly because when businesses become large they generally are slow, awkward and unmanageable and so SBUs are put in place to prevent/reduce this. The SBU I am going to be focusing on throughout my report is Core UK, its he adquarters are in the UK and it takes care of the UK grocery operations. The grocery industry is still Tesco’s most important part of the business and is operating in a fiercely competitive market. Section 2 Tesco currently hold the largest share in the grocery market which is one of the most fiercely contested markets in the UK. The term marketing  environment is used to describe all of the elements that have some impact on the actual performance of a market, these elements can occur both in and outside of the market itself, they can be called the macro environment and the microenvironment. The marketing environment enables us to understand the different forces that have a certain influence on the marketplace and how the market will react to different forces in different ways. For Tesco the marketing environment has a huge influence on how well the business is doing annually, for example the macro environment is always changing which affects Tesco The table below shows what channels make up the UK grocery market in for 2013: ChannelShare in billions Hypermarkets and superstores £74.1 Small super markets £34.9 Convenience stores £35.6 Discounters £9.5 Online £6.5 Other retailers £9.2 The market environment is a term that is used to collectively identify all the elements that have some impact on the actual performance of a market. This includes events and factors that occur within the context of the market itself and also any elements that are based outside the market. The idea behind defining the market environment is to understand what forces are exerting some amount of influence in the marketplace and understand why and how a market reacts to those forces in certain ways. Importance of environmental analysis (Debate & Evaluate) -How can the marketing environment be defined? How can the marketing environment be defined to your company? -Can you summarise / synthesise information creatively in the form of tables / figures. -What are best practice approaches to environmental analysis? Here it may be tempting to go overboard and write very generically about environmental analysis but it is important to evaluate from the perspective of your chosen company: What is important in defining and approaching environmental analysis from the context of your company?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Nuremberg Trials and Nazi Germany

Nuremberg Trials and Nazi Germany Free Online Research Papers The Nuremberg trials opened on Nov 20th 1945. The Nuremberg international military tribunal in Nuremberg tried over the many Nazis officials for their participation in the holocaust. The tribunal was composed of 2 judges from each of the following countries: united states , Russia , great Britain , and France . Those who were tried were sentenced from the four counts made to charge the nazi officials with. The four counts used in Nuremberg trails were:1) conspiracy to commit any of the other counts, 2)crimes against peace including starting and participating, 3) war crimes and 4) crimes against humanity. These counts were the basis that all the defendants were tried upon at Nuremberg . Some Nazi offials and leaders never were brought to trail. To some this was considered a large act of being cowardice. Hitler and Goebbels committed suicide at the end of the war. Mengele was able to flee Germany at the end of the war. He died a free man. Even today officials are still being brought to trail. The Nuremberg trails won’t close until any participant is tried for his wrong doing during the holocaust. During the trails documented evidence of the atrocities of the holocaust was issued in the trails. The Nazis documented just about all of their acts during the holocaust. Nazi propaganda films were used as evidence. Many Jews in the concentration camps stole documentation and hid it in milk cans that were recovered at the end of the war. The allies also filmed the camps and survivors which also was used as evidence at the Nuremberg trails. There was a lot of evidence that was used to try the Nazis officials at Nuremberg . Hitler’s right hand man was herman goring. Goring defended himself at his trail. He was charged with all 4 counts and sentenced to death by hanging. He was tried for his involvement with the Gestapo and creating the first concentration camps. Goring committed suicide two hours before he was supposed to be hanged from poison he had on him. Some believe that his guard found mercy on him and he was the one to hand goring his poison to kill himself. This suicide occurred on October 16th 1946. Rudolf Hess was considered the number 3 man in the Nazis reich. He was deputy to the fuhrer. He was charged with counts 1 and 2 and sentenced to life imprisonment. He spent his prison sentence at spandov Prison until 1987 when he committed suicide at the age of 92. Hess fled to try to negotiate peace with Britain in 1941, but was taken prisoner until the end of the war. Wilhelm keitel was High Commander of the armed forces. He also instituted the night and fog decree. He was charged with all 4 counts and sentenced to hanging. Baldurvon schirach was of part American origin. He was a leader of the Hitler youth. Schirach denounced Hitler at Nuremberg . He was charged with count 4 and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. Nuremberg brought ease to many of the survivors. All of the Nazis defendants tried to appeal their sentences, but were denied. The wrong doings of the holocaust were brought to justice in a small amount by the trails. Many people in the Nazis party who should have been tried, never will because they either committed suicide or fled the country at the end of the war. Today many participants from the third Reich are still being brought to trial. Though, only a fraction of the participants in the third Reich will ever be charged for their participation in the holocaust. Research Papers on Nuremberg Trials and Nazi GermanyAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Capital PunishmentArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)Where Wild and West MeetAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresQuebec and CanadaThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseGenetic EngineeringBringing Democracy to Africa

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

9 Ways To Turn Old Blog Posts Into New Content Ideas

9 Ways To Turn Old Blog Posts Into New Content Ideas Ever play 20 questions? This is like that. Just with fewer questions. If you’ve written a blog post, something must have inspired you to do it- love of the topic. Looming deadline. Desire to grow traffic. It could be anything. Have you really poked and prodded those old posts, though, and seen if there was more you could squeeze out of them? Much of the time we write a post and think, â€Å"There, I wrote about that topic. Done!† and move on to looking for a new idea. We talk a lot about reworking and repurposing content, but maybe you need a mechanism to help prompt you to see your old blog posts in a new light. Find your favorite blog posts, and let’s go through some questions about them. Time to kick off the dust and see what new content ideas are lurking in your old blog posts. 9 Ways To Create Outstanding New Content From Old Posts via @JulieNeidlinger Question #1: Was Your Post A  Good Idea? You may have loved writing the post, but did it get the traffic and traction you’d hoped for? Did people comment and share it on social media? Are you looking at your dashboard and seeing dismal stats? If the post seems to have bombed, it doesn’t mean the topic was bad, but that your idea was the wrong approach. Or, it might mean that your traffic back when you wrote the post was smaller than it is now, and your new audience might not even know it exists. If a post bombed, there is a lot to learn from it for new content ideas. #bloggingtipsAnswer: Yes, it was. People loved it. Perhaps your post was highly successful in all the usual measurements, getting: High traffic Lots of social shares Plenty of social proof Active comments section Several bloggers linking in from their own blog posts If that’s the case, good job. But keep reading this post. You're still not done with that idea even if your initial post was successful the first go-around. Action: Go to the next question. Answer: No, it really wasn’t. If your post just didn’t seem to work the first time around, great news: Not that many people apparently saw it! You can rework the post entirely, and bring that topic of the pile. For those readers who might stumble on your old post, use a 301 redirect (not a canonical redirect, which is for search engines) to send your readers to the new one. You keep whatever traffic that old one may have received and funnel it to the new post. If you’re worried about using a 301 redirect, don’t be. It isn’t going to hurt you very much. According to Google’s Matt Cutts, you’ll lose only a â€Å"tiny little bit† if you use this technique. Don’t dwell on the old post. Point people to the new content you’re about to create. Action: Move on to question #2. Question #2: Do You Have More You Want To Say? As much as you may have written in that first post, are you dying to talk more about it? I know I have my favorite topics that I like to write about, and each time I sit down to write about them, new ideas pop into my head. Often, we can talk about a topic repeatedly because: There are changes or updates that affect the original take on the topic. You’ve learned some additional information. You’ve changed your mind. Reader feedback has made it clear you need to flesh out more of the topic. You feel like you just want to write more, or could say it differently. Take a look at your favorite posts, especially your older posts. Do these five criteria fit? Answer: Yes, I could definitely talk more about it. This is the best place to be. Not only do you have a foundational post to refer to when you write about that same topic, but you also have reader feedback and reaction to respond and refer to as well. Action: Move on to the next question, or write the new post. Answer: No, I’m done talking about it. If you feel like you’ve written the pants off of that topic, you probably won’t get much more out of trying now. I’d encourage you to use your editorial calendar, though, and add a note in six months or a year to revisit that old post. You might have more to say about it then, even if only to point out how that topic hasn’t changed for you. Action: Add a note to your calendar, and see question #9. Question #3: Is It A  Topic That Readers Could Benefit From More Coverage? Whether you want to write more on it or not, your readers may need you to. You’ll know if readers want more coverage by how and what they’re saying on social media (in response to that post) or in the blog comments section. Answer: Yes, readers seem to want to know more. More than once we’ve written blog posts that respond directly to comments readers have made on this blog. Comments that lend well to additional blog posts follow a general pattern. I don’t understand. I disagree, and here’s why. I don’t think this would work for me. Here’s my specific situation. Would this work for me? This is so helpful. I especially like the part about _____. New blog posts on that topic will explain what readers didn’t understand. They might show how to use an idea in several real-world scenarios so readers can identify better with how it applies to them. And, when someone picks out a part they really like...that’s a gold mine. Go into more detail. Action: Move on to the next question, or write the new post. Contact readers directly (like I did for this post) and ask them more questions about their comments to get even more ideas. Answer: No, there isn’t much interest. If people didn’t share the post much and readers didn’t seem to respond much, or only responded â€Å"great post!† it’s time to reconsider the original idea. Action: Head back to question #1. Question #4: Could You Write About It In A  Different Style? There are two styles at work in every post: your writing style, and your readers' learning styles. This provides you a huge variety of ways to write blog posts based on the same ideas. You may prefer to write in the style(s) of: Teacher Insider Outsider Expert Newbie Observer Cryptographer Convincer Your reader may prefer content that fits their propensity for: Visual learning Numbers and data Lots of text Social references (quotes, links, etc.) Action: Write the post or head on to the next question. Answer: Yes, I could mix it up a bit. You’ll naturally have one you prefer to write as, but you can force yourself to take a different style. Take your topic idea. Choose a different writing style. Wrap your head around what that will sound like. Then choose a learning style. For example, you may write as if you were a newbie relying on lots of text. The next time, you might write as an expert using lots of data. Action: Move on to the next question, or write the new post. Answer: No, I really prefer to write in my strengths. You know what? That’s perfectly fine. Writing is enough work without writing in weaknesses. If you don’t think you can write about the topic from a different approach, don’t worry about it. You have every right to maintain a consistent tone and style on your blog. Action: Move to question #7. Question #5: Could You Re-Edit It And Clean It Up? Sometimes those older posts are pretty good structurally, but they need some cleaning up. This is especially true for those massive lists of links that are such great attention-getters (â€Å"100 Best Apps For Finding Great Restaurants!†) but that age poorly. Answer: Yes, with some clean-up that post is still viable. When it comes to cleaning up a post, your focus should be on: Improving writing and grammar. (Yes, you’ve gotten better as a writer since then.) Finding and removing or replacing dead links. Updating references and data to reflect the current state of affairs. (e.g. â€Å"guest blog like crazy!† to â€Å"Matt Cutts said guest blogging is dead!†) Redoing images to fit a more current look. Remove any that might be guilty of copyright infringement. Canva and other free blog graphics tools might not have been around when you wrote the original, but they are  now! Adding expertise you’ve gained since you wrote the original post. You could rewrite the post but keep it similar in approach. Or, you could reference that old post and talk about how things have changed since then. Action: Clean up that old post, repackage it for now, and publish it new. Use a 301 redirect if the posts are highly similar. Move on to the next question. Answer: No, that post is a dog and no cleanup will help. Fair enough. Action: If the post is really bad, use the 301 redirect technique of question #1 to point it to a newer and related post on your blog (if you have one). Move on to question #9. Question #6: Could You Break It Into Pieces? If you’re doing long form posts, especially, you probably have a lot of content there that you couldn’t go into the greatest detail because, you know, 3,000 words. Breaking your original blog post into pieces means you can do that deep dive and turn one blog post into five. Answer: Yes, I could go into more detail. By breaking your blog post into detailed parts, you have the potential for creating a powerful series of content. That can be used in email autoresponder courses to help generate email sign-ups. It can be used as an ebook later. Hopefully you used a good outline and headings, because that will help in breaking up your post logically. Headings: Your headings and subheadings might be the basis for an expandable blog post. Numbered items: Your numbered items within that body content might be the basis for a list post. Questions: If you write and use questions in your body copy, find them. Can answering those questions be a post of its  own? Data: Any place you have data, charts, case study information, etc. is  a possible opportunity to expand and explain how and why. In long posts, data is often used as a proof. Going into detail is when you explain how you arrived at that data in the first place. Action: Write your new posts or head on to the next question. Answer: No, I don’t have any more detail to share. Perhaps the post was poorly structured, rambled, or carried all the detail you could possibly extract on the subject. Either way, it doesn’t seem a fit candidate for divvying up into smaller parts. Action: Move on to question #9. Question #7: Could You Write About The Post Itself? We all like a little behind the scenes. If you have a post that was successful or got a lot of buzz, would you be willing to talk about that experience? This is particularly valuable if you are in the content marketing niche. Other content marketers like to find out how you create your content. Answer: Heck yes, I’d love to share the experience. Pulling back the curtain to reveal what happened behind the scenes of a popular old post makes for a great story. In this type of approach, you’ll reveal: Your ideation, writing, and editing process. Social, comment, and direct email responses from readers (generalized, to protect their privacy). The struggles, laughs, and raging deadlines you had. Your reaction when the post became popular. What you learned from the experience. The last one, summarizing what you learned, is a very popular blog post approach. How many headlines have you seen that say â€Å"I did ____ and this is what I learned.† Action: Write the post, or move on to the next question. Answer: No. I don’t think anyone would care. I have just the site for you: Click here. Even if you don’t have a viral post or some massive 8th Wonder Of The Blogging World, your readers are probably still curious about how you work. But, if you insist no one would be interested, OK. Action: Move on to question #9. Question #8: Could You Rewrite It As A  Guest Post? You’ve done the research and the work. Why wouldn’t you extend it as a guest post? Guest blogging is still a fantastic way to take your content and get it in front of new readers. Answer: Yes, I’m into guest posts and this would work. The first thing you have to do is make certain that what you will be writing will fit the host blog’s guidelines. If they want only previously unpublished posts, you’ll need to rework it significantly so that your old post is not the same as the new one. Secondly, you’ll want to write your guest post to fit the host blog’s audience. It might not be the exact same as yours as far as their learning style or how the host blog wants posts written. Action: Write the post by reviewing question #6. Or, move on to the next question. Answer: No, I don’t do guest posts. That’s fine. Not everyone does. Action: Move on to question #9. Question #9: Can You Turn It Into A  Different Format Entirely? If you absolutely cannot write on a topic again, you’re still not off the hook. It’s now time to repurpose your blog posts. You have reached the point where you need to see your written content as visual content, or send it elsewhere to keep doing some work for you. This means you’ll take your blog post and turn it into: Infographics Slide decks Social sharing graphics Videos Podcasts Ebooks Webinars Syndication Email autoresponder course Printable worksheets That list is by no means definitive. There are many ways to repurpose content forms. Answer: Yes, this post would work well in a different format. Each blog post has an ideal repurposed format, depending on the type of post it is. We’ve identified 10 easy blog post approaches in the past, but there are so many more. Data: Blog posts with lots of data will do well as infographics, ebooks, and slide decks. How-to: Blog posts that are written as how-to posts will do well as videos, slide decks, webinars, email courses, and ebooks. Interviews: Blog posts that are interviews will do well as social graphics, with the best quotes pulled from the post for each graphic you create. If you can get the original interviewee back, a podcast would work, too. Lists: Blog posts that are lists do well as social graphics if the list items are memorable (one item per graphic). They also make great slide decks. Case studies: Case studies are great topics of conversation in a podcast or video. Stories: Blog posts heavy on narrative and â€Å"what I learned† work well as podcasts, ebooks, and videos. Reviews: Blog posts that review products or services often have a shorter shelf life and aren’t as evergreen. Used quickly enough while still relevant, they make a great video (especially if you demo the product). Updates on an earlier review are always possible. Checklists: These types of blog posts work well with ebooks, infographics, and worksheets. See what you can make of your post. By creating these alternate forms of your written content, you’re pointing people back to the original post in a new way. Answer: No, I’m done. Time to get started brainstorming and find brand new ideas. You’ve worn out the idea and squeezed the last drop of content out of it. Good job! Don't forget to get your own map of these questions to simply

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Deal Gases Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Deal Gases - Coursework Example There are different gas laws that exist and are summarized by the equation of state (Meyer, 2011). These gas laws include Boyle’s law, Charles law, Gay – Lussac’s law and other gas law. The Boyle’s law was derived, finalized and published in 1662. The law states that when gas is at constant temperature, the product obtained from the volume, and the pressure of a certain mass of gas that is confined in a closed system is always a constant. The pressure gauge can be used to verify this statement together with a variable container capacity. The law can also be derived from the kinetic theory of ideal gases. For instance, if a gas container has a fixed number of molecules in it and its volume is reduced more molecules will collide per unit time per given area. This aspect results in a higher pressure in the container (Wang, 2013). 2. Select the light species of the box on the right-hand corner. You can notice that the pump turns red. At that time, the pump is given a press. Again, wait for the values to stabilize and observe the results. When the pump is pressed it some while to come to the stable state. When the pump gives a substantial push the volume of the gas reduced. For this experiment volume in an independent variable, since it does depend on the other parameter to change. The pressure is the dependent variable as it depends on the volume change for it to vary. The graph was plotted for the values of the pressure, and the volume showed that the pressure of the gas varies inversely proportionally to the volume of the gas. The relationship between the pressure and the volume of gas under constant temperature is summarized by the Boyles Law. This law states the under constant conditions of temperature, gas will have its pressure vary inversely proportional to the volume. Charles’ Law is also referred to as the law of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Public Health Program Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Health Program Evaluation - Essay Example It will bring into focus the specific and detailed activities being conducted under the counseling program and provide an indication if such activities are generating positive or beneficial outcomes to the participants in terms of their ability to handle emotional, sexual and educational problems because of enhanced knowledge, perceptions or attitudes and skills. To accomplish an Outcomes-Based Evaluation, McNamara lists the following general steps: 1. Identify the major outcomes that are to be examined or verified for the program under evaluation. 2. Prioritize the outcomes and select the top priority outcomes that will be examined by the evaluation. Considerations for this prioritization are the limits of time and resources for conducting the evaluation. 3. For each outcome, determine the measures or indicators that will be observed which suggest that an outcome is being achieved by a participant. 4. Specify a target or goal for the participants. 5. Identify the information needed to show the indicators or measure the outcomes. 6. Determine how information can be efficiently and realistically gathered. 7. Analyze and report the findings. Outcomes are benefits or changes for individuals participating in the program. "They are what participants know, think, or can do; or how they behave; or what their condition is, that is different following the program (United Way). In the area of educational problems, a measurable outcome would be grades of the participants and incidence of absenteeism. This information can be gathered from school data before the program was started and after the one year period of counseling, then compared with data for the group which underwent treatment by psychologists and social workers. "Desired outcomes include positive changes in behavioral and emotional functioning, family relationships, academic achievement, or community functioning" (Nabors et al p. 206-209). Identify the stakeholders, and discuss their respective interests According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the key stakeholders of a public health program evaluation are 1. Those involved in program operations, in this case the Director and staff of the community health center, the funding agency if existent, the local community members who conduct the counseling sessions, and the psychologists and social workers treating the control group. Obviously, the primary interest of the community health center is to find out how effective the counseling the program is in achieving the desired outcomes of emotional, sexual and educational problem solving, and how this compares with the treatment program. The local community members, the psychologists and social workers would be interested in the efficacy of the activities being conducted and whether these should be institutionalized. The funding agency would want to know if funding efforts should be continued and/or expanded. 2. Those served or affected by the program, the teens a nd adults who are participants in the program, their parents, families, friends and school personnel who deal with the participants. The participants who are central to the effort will be the primary source of information for the evaluation. Their families, friends and school personnel who are affected by the participants problems and who provide support to the participants within and outside the program would