
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Marketing Research on Obesity

When noticing the ski tow in the fleshiness rate of flock and the rise in the success of fast intellectual nourishment chains, they gibe distri moreoverively other. A reformed approach to the Fast victuals insular industry is the best way to combat the obesity job in America. This problem impacts the economy, the overall wellness of US citizens, and causes chronic wellness problems generated from child obesity. About 300,000 people slide by for each one year from being obese or overweight. Childhood obesity rates in America stomach trip lead over the then(prenominal) troika decades. Today, nearly one in three children be overweight or obese, which will undoubtedly shit wellness problems for that generation for years to come. According to health economists led by Eric Finkelstein of Duke University, the approximately(prenominal) obese men take 5.9 more kickoff days a year than healthy men; the most obese women, 9.4 more days. Obesity-related absenteeism costs employers as much as $6.4 billion a year. In addition to having an impact on the productivity of our demesnes workforce, obesity creates unnecessary health care costs that could be avoided through a resultant of smart changes in the private industry. (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/30/us-obesity-idUSBRE83T0C820120430) (http://www.cbs bran-news.com/2100-204_162-326858.
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html) Michelle Obamas Lets coin campaign, launched in February 2010, is geared towards promoting sprint and exercise in children and younger adults. The physical and emotional health of an entire generation and the economic health and security of our community is at stake, as the First La! dy declared. (http://www.letsmove.gov/ Our mathematical radical conducted research that was intended to combat the obesity epidemic in America. In accordance to Michelle Obamas Lets Move campaign, our group believes that this reformed Fast Food establishment would be a success not only for young adults but the universe of discourse as a whole. There is a market nook available in the fast food oligopoly where a new establishment could offer healthy food for the everyday...If you want to name a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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